Mobile apps development

With Flutter & Imagaban® — 50% smaller team, 20% faster launch, no bugs tolerated
Value delivered
for our customers
Our average customers lifetime
Projects delilvered
Disrupt the market
We helped Mars revolutionize the industry by creating Petcare's all-in-one ecosystem, which combines telemedicine and a marketplace.
Case study:
You need to be unique, quick, and adaptive to drive a revolution.
You goal is to...
An existing app
We helped O'STIN release a mobile app from scratch, achieving 40,000 downloads in the first 30 days.
Case study:
You need the right technologies to make future support as effective as possible.
Your are starting from...
You are a...
Your idea needs to be seen ASAP. Your MVP feature set should deliver value while remaining cost-effective.
Case study:
We developed the first mobile marketplace uniting banking and insurance, achieving 180,000 downloads within two months.
Address your needs properly
You are a...
Your are starting from...
You don't have available in-house resources.
You require complex integrations with your current systems.
You need efficient onboarding for a new team.
Case study:
Case study:
We developed a super-app for Europe's leading food retail chain, captivating 10 million MAUs with advanced financial features.
We help the leading bank redefine loyalty by using in-app games and adaptive designs, captivating over 50 million customers.
An existing app
You goal is to...
You need a rapid development process to quickly test product hypotheses.
Case study:
We helped Kazakhstan's #1 car classifieds platform boast over 30,000 listings, all less than two weeks old.
Disrupt the market
Flutter, Google's open-source toolkit, boosts our efficiency for your needs. For advanced features, we readily incorporate native technologies.
Let us leverage the Flutter technology to reduce team size by 50% and shorten the time-to-market by 20%
Flutter, Google's open-source toolkit, boosts our efficiency for your needs. For advanced features, we readily incorporate native technologies.
Let us leverage the Flutter technology to reduce team size by 50% and shorten the time-to-market by 20%
The native approach is unbeatable for applying cutting-edge functionalities
• NFC capabilities
• Cryptography
• Sophisticated camera functionalities
• Geo-tracking
• Bluetooth integration
With a shared code base across all platforms, some tests can be conducted just once
A smaller software engineering and QA staff simplifies production team management. It's a significant advantage in the complex world of IT
Flutter lets you launch an MVP faster than other approaches and maintains efficiency as the solution evolves into a comprehensive, mature one
Flutter's built-in architectural approach allows for efficient division of work among programmers, speeding up each feature release.
A single team developing a cross-platform app achieves greater cost efficiency with each platform you target. Focusing on iOS & Android? Your team cost is already 50% more efficient than with the native approach. Targeting browsers as well? Your costs drop to one-third of employing multiple native teams
Our engineers are always happy to help you make a choice
Acquire and retain users by leveraging our product management expertise. We do more than just Deliver. We help you Discover value through lean experiments.
Get every feature right and on time with Imagaban®
We use a proprietary Kanban-inspired, streamlined approach to IT development, perfected across hundreds of projects.
We model reality by seeing everything as an interconnected system — the solution, the team, the business, and the environment.
We ensure surgical accuracy in creating every artifact — requirements, code, final product. Nothing is overlooked.
We apply it to achieve transparency, balance demand with capacity, and manage bottlenecks.
Systems thinking
for clear vision
for zero bug tolerance
for efficiency
We doubled the speed of 
16 stalled projects transferred to us from other agencies
Choose the best pricing approach
We commit to a specific scope and timeline, with delivery risks and resource overruns on us
Team compensation is based on hourly rates
Ideal for product evolution when the scope is discovered and delivered step by step based on market feedback
Best suited for a clear MVP (minimum viable product) scope
Agile accelerator
Visionary launch
Gain a competitive edge with our cross-industry experience
We revolutionized the online shopping experience for e-commerce giants, enhancing user interfaces and streamlining payment processes, which led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales
We provided cutting-edge fintech solutions, implementing secure, user-friendly mobile banking apps, greatly enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency for many financial institutions
We developed innovative health tech applications, integrating telemedicine and patient data management systems, which improved patient care and streamlined healthcare providers' workflows
We transformed the insurance sector by developing intuitive claim processing software, significantly reducing processing time and improving customer service efficiency
Pet Care
We revolutionized pet care management by developing intuitive apps for pet owners and veterinarians, featuring appointment scheduling, medical record tracking, and personalized care reminders
Our software development expertise played a pivotal role in advancing the automotive industry, helping clients to buy, sell, and service their cars with ease and pleasure
We developed recommendation and analytical systems for the travel industry, making businesses more efficient and customers happier
We revolutionized the online shopping experience for e-commerce giants, enhancing user interfaces and streamlining payment processes, which led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales
We provided cutting-edge fintech solutions, implementing secure, user-friendly mobile banking apps, greatly enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency for many financial institutions
We developed innovative health tech applications, integrating telemedicine and patient data management systems, which improved patient care and streamlined healthcare providers' workflows
We transformed the insurance sector by developing intuitive claim processing software, significantly reducing processing time and improving customer service efficiency
Pet Care
We revolutionized pet care management by developing intuitive apps for pet owners and veterinarians, featuring appointment scheduling, medical record tracking, and personalized care reminders
Our software development expertise played a pivotal role in advancing the automotive industry, helping clients to buy, sell, and service their cars with ease and pleasure
We developed recommendation and analytical systems for the travel industry, making businesses more efficient and customers happier
What mobile idea the world should see next?
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See why clients love to work with us
In two months, we have achieved a twofold increase in desired action.
We began working together around September 2018, and it’s ongoing. 
We’ve spent $1,000,000 with them.
If something goes wrong, they’re very proactive, and they don’t wait to come 
to me to find solutions.
Ivan M.
Evgeny M.
Maria S.
After we launched the MVP product, 
75% of our sales came from the mobile application.
Denis B.
In two months, we have achieved a twofold increase in desired action.
We began working together around September 2018, and it’s ongoing. 
We’ve spent $1,000,000 with them.
If something goes wrong, they’re very proactive, and they don’t wait to come 
to me to find solutions.
Ivan M.
Evgeny M.
Maria S.
After we launched the MVP product, 
75% of our sales came from the mobile application.
Denis B.
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