Website/Web Apps Redesign

Enhance conversion rates & user experience by redesigning your website using qualitative and quantitative research methods
Modern Practices for the most efficient Results
This will help identify the needs of your target audience, understand their Jobs to be done using your website, how well they succeed in doing so, and the challenges they face

These interviews provide a qualitative foundation for decision-making and offer data-backed justifications for design choices
Identifies and understands the specific characteristics and needs of the target audience

This knowledge enables a more precise and tailored redesign, ensuring that the website aligns with the preferences and requirements of the ideal customer, leading to improved user engagement and conversion rates
Offers insights into industry trends, best practices, and competitors' strategies

This information helps identify gaps and opportunities, improving the website's competitiveness within the market
Helps articulate and align the website's unique value to users' needs. By clearly defining benefits and differentiation, it ensures that the redesign focuses on delivering compelling value, effectively attracting and retaining users
Helps in understanding user interactions, pain points, and preferences throughout their journey on your site

This insight allows for a more user-centric redesign, addressing specific needs and improving the overall user experience. Mapping the user's journey through the website, and understanding the pain points causing the user issues
Identifies user experience issues, validates design changes, and ensures the new website meets user needs effectively, leading to improved usability & higher user conversion rates. This involves getting the user's feedback on current website UI & UI mock-ups
Enable the validation of insights gathered from JTBD interviews using a representative sample. They also aid in verifying ICPs within the target audience
Analytics-driven approach to Website redesign
These analytics are the key to the ideal visual design
A website redesign can translate to measurable results
Up to $100
Is the typical return for every $1 invested in UX/UI. Through redesigning your UX/UI
of consumers assess a website's credibility according to its visual appearance within 3.42 seconds.
of users expect your content to appear and function properly, regardless of the device they are using.
We understand that
Every millisecond counts
It takes users 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about your website
The ideal loading time for a website is between 1-2 seconds
Over half of your visitors will never return if your website takes over 3 seconds to load. Optimizing your website can dramatically impact your bottom line
The secret to
Source: Google
We understand that
Every millisecond counts
It takes users 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about your website
Conversion is one of the most valuable metrics
For every 100ms decrease in homepage load speed, your customer base can see a 1.11% lift in session-based conversion.
The secret to
We understand that
Every millisecond counts
It takes users 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about your website
Slow websites cost retailers $2.6 billion U.S. dollars in sales each year
Optimizing your website's load times can drastically reduce lost revenue and help you acquire new clients
The secret to
Source: Agrofy
We understand that
Every millisecond counts
It takes users 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about your website
The secret to
Source: Econsultancy
Reduce your website abandonment rate by 76%
And boost engagement by implementing improvements to a number of performance metrics.
Gain a competitive edge with our cross-industry experience
We revolutionized the online shopping experience for e-commerce giants, enhancing user interfaces and streamlining payment processes, which led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales
We provided cutting-edge fintech solutions, implementing secure, user-friendly mobile banking apps, greatly enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency for many financial institutions
We developed innovative health tech applications, integrating telemedicine and patient data management systems, which improved patient care and streamlined healthcare providers' workflows
We transformed the insurance sector by developing intuitive claim processing software, significantly reducing processing time and improving customer service efficiency
Pet Care
We revolutionized pet care management by developing intuitive apps for pet owners and veterinarians, featuring appointment scheduling, medical record tracking, and personalized care reminders
Our software development expertise played a pivotal role in advancing the automotive industry, helping clients to buy, sell, and service their cars with ease and pleasure
We developed recommendation and analytical systems for the travel industry, making businesses more efficient and customers happier
We revolutionized the online shopping experience for e-commerce giants, enhancing user interfaces and streamlining payment processes, which led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales
We provided cutting-edge fintech solutions, implementing secure, user-friendly mobile banking apps, greatly enhancing customer trust and operational efficiency for many financial institutions
We developed innovative health tech applications, integrating telemedicine and patient data management systems, which improved patient care and streamlined healthcare providers' workflows
We transformed the insurance sector by developing intuitive claim processing software, significantly reducing processing time and improving customer service efficiency
Pet Care
We revolutionized pet care management by developing intuitive apps for pet owners and veterinarians, featuring appointment scheduling, medical record tracking, and personalized care reminders
Our software development expertise played a pivotal role in advancing the automotive industry, helping clients to buy, sell, and service their cars with ease and pleasure
We developed recommendation and analytical systems for the travel industry, making businesses more efficient and customers happier
What mobile idea the world should see next?
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"IMAGA has a highly flexible team that has adapted to our requirements and approach."

"We’re completely satisfied with the project management. It’s perfect."

"I’ve seen them grow and change, and it is a positive experience overall."
Grigorij R.
Evgeny M.
"They worked fast and wanted to make things even better than we expected."
Tatiyana G.
Ivan M.
Category Manager, T.B.M.
Website Development Supervisor, Tobacco Company
Head of Marketing, Snow Queen
"IMAGA has a highly flexible team that has adapted to our requirements and approach."
"We’re completely satisfied with the project management. It’s perfect."
"I’ve seen them grow and change, and it is a positive experience overall."
Grigorij R.
Evgeny M.
"They worked fast and wanted to make things even better than we expected."
Tatiyana G.
Ivan M.
Category Manager, T.B.M.
Website Development Supervisor, Tobacco Company
Head of Marketing, Snow Queen
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